Derector Offices

Derector News

40th Anniversary!

Dear Clients & Friends,

In celebration of our 40th Anniversary we would like to highlight Leib Koyfman as one of our founders!

Lieb Koyfman

Leib Koyfman’s professional life began at age eighteen, after graduating from the Community College in Moscow that specializes in studies of Steam Generators (boilers) for power plants. He spent four years traveling throughout the Soviet Union, as a member of a team troubleshooting and starting up new generations of steam generators in various power plants. At the same time, he took correspondence courses at the Moscow Institute of Energy. Leib transferred to the Moscow Technological Institute as a fully matriculated student studying Mechanical engineering, specializing in Instrumentation and Controls. In 1975, he graduated with a Masters Degree and a Professional Engineering degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering.

Until leaving the Soviet Union, Leib worked at a Research and Development Institute, developing ultrasound machines and devices for the food industry, and was awarded several Soviet Union patents’ as he was completing his PHD research, when he received his Visa to emigrate to the United States.

Leib arrived in the United States on May 2, 1974, and began working at the engineering firm Economides and Goldberg in August of 1974.

During his tenure at Economides and Goldberg, Leib designed electrical systems for office buildings, hospitals, data centers, and other facilities. In 1978, upon completion of the installation and testing of the IBM BMS project, Leib left E & G, and joined the Consulting Engineering firm of M.P. Zacharias and Associates. He started as Chief Electrical Engineer, and became Chief Engineer of the firm, a year later.

Leib joined Robert in October of 1980 to start RDA.

It soon became apparent that among Leib’s talents was being innovative and creative. He was able to design systems so they could be constructed less expensively than prior convention suggested while at the same time not compromising any of its’ intended operations. ! He had a relentless desire for perfection and tolerated nothing less. He was able to combine his extensive technical knowledge with a level of practicality not customarily associated with engineers in our field. A terrific communicator Leib garnered tremendous respect as a negotiator representing his client’s’ interests.

At the peak of RDA’s development, Leib decided that it was time to retire, and he now enjoys his family and his free time.




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19 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

New Jersey Office

175 South Street - 1st Floor
Morristown, NJ 07960

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1 SE Third Avenue #1740
Miami, FL 33131

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